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Apr 2018
Sometimes I wish
we are more than this
empty vessels looking for another
students desperately wanting summer

When waiting becomes a habit
it distracts you from the joys of present
going to school daily waiting for Saturday
and studying just to graduate

playing just to finish
and running just to stop
removes the joys of life
it is no other less than
living just to die

but to fall in love with you
is my own personal tragedy
I hope and pray and simply wait
wishing in 11:11 and
throwing quarters at wells

I hope that you are more than
my wishful thinking
and a blessing smoke
I hope at the end of the line
someone smiling will come
and awaits for an embrace

I hope your smiles are genuine
and so are your laughs
I hope my heart can get to you
as you will give me yours

But who am I kidding?
at this present tense I do none
I guess I can only enjoy the present
and hope the future
will be kind to me

Anxiously waiting
for your acceptance
or a great rejection
who knows?
Written by
Isaiah Abarra  18/M
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