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Apr 2018
Fake laugh and smiles are shown
But his true feelings will never be known;
To the world his life is so stable
But there is only a thread left on that steel cable:

It won't take much for it to snap
Then he'll lose it all, no way to get it back;
But that fool still puts on a show
Each day passing him by so slow.

All he knows are pain, work, and bills
No matter the harvest, he still has more to till;
The bounty of his wealth is quickly spent
All he owns are his pen and pad, just to vent:

Tired of the daily grind
No time for respite or to unwind;
He contemplates death, hoping for an out
With that smile, nobody knows what he really thinks about:

A coward that doesn't know what to do
He really doesn’t have a clue;
He just wants this to be over, this isn't a joke
So when he says he wishes he were dead, no truer words were ever spoke:
Written by
Lucio  45/M/Oregon
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