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Apr 2018
We as a people want to believe we are all free;
But are we, when people shout obscenities for me just being me?
I am a person of color, born to this nation;
But still disrespected and disgraced with no hesitation.

People still talk down to you regardless of education or how well you speak;
You have to prove yourself everyday, twice as much work it's not for the weak .
And on rare occasions told to go back where you came from;
So I go to my 2 bed room apartment with my wife, daughters and sons.

Afraid of what the future holds for my protΓ©gΓ©s;
Knowing they will have to walk in my shoes until the end of their days.
What makes a difference time spent in this country?;
Your families been established 6 generations, mines been here 4 doesn't that count for something?

I am a person born into this American Dream;
But not as equal as others, it's not as easy as "they" make it seem.
Written by
Lucio  45/M/Oregon
   A Simillacrum
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