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Apr 2018
From Her
By Mauve Marini
I used to sit alone in a corner
Thinking things I don’t think anyone would waste time to wonder
Weird as what some people say I was
Half true, believe me, I must

I’m a girl you might not want to be with
A girl who chooses to be alone and quiet
Plain and simple
Stuck in this world like needle in a thimble

Emotionless face that I have
Best actresses in the movies wish I was one
So the pains and sorrows could be visible
That in my eyes people need not to look deeper

Here comes a ****** dressed in a neat school uniform
He said he knows me quite very well
He sees my agony that’s hiding behind me
My broken heart, he said he can fix it

Creepy mind reader he was
Secrets I keep reached his mind in a blast
Who told him I cried over someone?
Oh, it’s me, yes I remembered once

You know what, you should’ve had come a little earlier
So that you could’ve saved me from that night
Where I was drowned in an ocean of lost thoughts
But thank you for bringing back my heart I once lost

I’m not much of a talker yes I know
Nor a Shakespeare in a corner
I could write just right enough
But not as great as what you have thought

Time doesn’t really stop
It’s the feelings which make everything in a hiatus
Moments that we’re together
Will be kept like a treasure

It’s for years I play hide and seek from love
With the pain I carry which stuck me inside
You must be the ****** my heart was waiting
Carrying the love I was looking

You’re the zephyr echoing in my head yesterday
Now a voice singing ever so calmly today
The faceless lover who appears in my dreams every night
Now finally I caught a sight

Denial stage I was before
Now contradicting it no more
Yes, I’m into you
I want to be stuck in forever with you

Love is meaningless
Until someone would come to give its meaning
Love is inevitably twined with pain
Just keep holding on

It’s you who I wanted
To wait for me while having the best walk of my life
It’s you that I wanted in my life
I love you no matter what

I don’t trust words
Nor fond of promises
But for you I’m willing to take the risk
No matter what and how it takes

I am no beauty, rich nor smart
But all I can offer is my wonderful heart
The sweeter you’ll treat this
The longer you’ll keep this

Swear I won’t deny it
Love and pain,
I’m gonna embrace it
Just hold on to it, I won’t let go nor slipped
A response poem to One Zero One.
Written by
MauveMarini01  23/F/General Santos City
(23/F/General Santos City)   
   ---, Fawn, ---, ---, --- and 1 other
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