Fingernails dug out of steering wheel in the out door, not enough gin to **** 50 pushups. 50 more. Change my body Maybe you won't ignore Ambien, the lull of the ceiling fan, the crowds of protestors disband -- the blanket warm, cosmos tease and can, malaise, malaise, I'm trying to be active and sane, sane for the next promise ring holder and wine cooler queen, here comes the switch: ether. The night brings me back to you by way of illusion -- you've got lingerie I've got needs You've got teeth I've got shoulder blades so it begins, white knuckle, culling songs, strain on scalp -- I sing along, ancient melody, satin dirge -- precursor to your soliloquy and black venom urge to scatter this bandaged man-- pieces in your hand, collected and left on 100 dressers for ill-informed future connivers conspire but I'm only tired of trying not to look like a liar so I blend into your blood satisfied smirk from transparent you but what is the future --a present hope but what is the past --a present memory so we abolish each other now betting on tangible mirages in this delicious, miraculous night the stars align the planets collide not an inch of you goes unkissed not an inch of me goes without an itch blackness and breath swirl and spit me into a confetti end time without prophet or priest only a skinny seed, and then the switch: wake with a present hope of getting over my present memory.