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Oct 2012
I gave you my heart,
I gave you my body.
No explanation given as to what happened,
Just an abrupt end to a long story.

Maybe I wasn't enough to keep you interested,
Or maybe you found someone better than me.
I wish I knew,
            I wish you told me.

All the promises made...
     "I won't ever hurt you...I won't make you cry..."

Not enough tears produced to drown out the pain,
Not enough strength to hide my hurt.

Now you've moved on and I try to do the same.
I try not to let the thought of someone else in your arms bother me.
But how can I succeed when it was mine for so long?
How do I open up to another when my wall came crumbling down?

The shoes you left will be hard to fill.
The solution is simple...
                                                       ­           Find a man who wears boots.
Morgan Hillhouse
Written by
Morgan Hillhouse
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