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Apr 2018
I've opened my heart,
A place I've not known,
To you, to me,
A chance, one day, you'll not be gone.

Love is scary.
To need, even more.
I've thought I've had best friend,
To only be gone.

To sit by myself,
To wonder and pray,
To wash away the pain,
To have hope for another day.

"I don't need anyone,
I'm smart and I'm brave!"
I can tell the 'why' of everything,
If not, I put it away.

I tell myself these.
I come close,
Then push people away.
"They'll be only gone"
That's what I say.

Try and try again.
Move from shadows to doubt.
Then hope and renewal,
To wondering about...

This planet we suffer on,
Hot, cold, and alone.
Wishing someone to hold,
To feel to the bone;

A comfort, a love,
A need to feel home.
A lover a friend,
A soul within my own.

Because it's so lonely,
Despite what I say,
To everyone around,
Secretly hoping a new day.

One of laughter and sunshine
Of cuddled stormy nights.
Of long intimate talks,
The sharing of frights.

The comfort in knowing,
Another feels the same.
Hearts in unison,
Not the tragic fake game.

Someone who knows me,
And makes me a better man.
Challenges me to be more beautiful,
Than all the oceans' sand.

Someone who cries,
And says "please hold me, dear";
For I am like you,
I, also, have fears.

That this world is world is selfish;
Mean beyond thoughts.
That needs more
Than any money has bought.

Someone that sees
Myself within they,
And finds themselves
Through my heart,
That I also hold they

Within my own shadow,
Within my own fears,
Within places I've avoided,
To hide all the tears.

But tears are where we find,
Others like mine;
Hearts so lonely,
Like me, of being too kind.

I can't deny anymore,
I need a best friend.
Life passes quite quickly,
And then it's the end.

I'm afraid of hope;
It's as worthless as fear.
But I, so, need faith,
To get through the years.

A faith that God is within,
Both you and I.
That within each of us,
He's there when we cry.

That I am your hand of God.
That you are mine.
That within us, each,
His love we will find.

That caring brings us faith,
To move on through the day,
Days of just being,
Because we are afraid.

I'll hold your fears,
With tenderness and care;
Please hold mine,
So this life we can bare.

I want to love you,
In whatever way.
I just ask that you know me,
So that you might stay.

For others have not;
neither for you.
Does that change,
With this friendship anew?

I know lots.
I am a smart man.
But this I'm unsure. Should I keep eating life from a can?

Or will you be there,
Unlike all the rest,
The ones you've known,
Those I imagined the best?

I'm tired of imagining.
I'm tired of just hopes.
I want a sea before us,
With a shared sturdy boat.

A navigator when I sleep.
A resting soul when I'm awake.
Two people that knows each other,
And fears do not quake.

I don't know. Worst poem I've written, I guess. I'm tired and confused. Like a "baby", as you said; emotional at best.

I ******* hate emotions. They confuse the hell out of me and I don't know which way is up and they make no ******* sense.

That's why I keep them away as much as I can stand.

Been writing it since we hung up. But it's just ******* emotions. No brain at all. I'd rather be tough and funny, maybe.

Work and this has been very stressful.  I'm not myself. It's something I repress.

But yeah. Of course it's for you. The first time I saw you and you me, I've been drawn to you and trying my best to deny it. But I laugh with you. I love how silly we can be. I love how beautiful that silliness is. It makes me happy.

I'm feeling very stupid now. Not before when you called me stupid. But this. I'm uncomfortable with this. It ***** up my brain.

I don't really know what I'm saying. It's not a language I understand. Just confusion and longing and an appreciation and fear that I've met you.

Perhaps the rambling of madness   Lol.
Shane Bowles PhotoArtist
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