Remember all those times I've made your night? Do you still remember all those days I’d save your life? When you had your end all planned out. I could fix you when you’d break inside. I was always there, your ray of light. Remember all those promises that we made despite, the fact we knew how hard they’d be to stay beside? You’ll never break them. And I’m never breaking mine. I remember that night it rained, so the pavement shined. As you sat on the edge of the bridge, debating life. The cars passing, you told me none of them would care if you slipped. I wish I was there then. You I’d cradle tight. But you didn’t slip. Maybe my name was in the back of your head. Maybe our bond was enough for you to change your mind. That’s all I ever wanted. To make you at least a little bit okay inside.
If you’re reading this, sometime in the future, I hope you still remember it all. I hope I mean as much to you as I did then. I hope time never tore us apart. We promised each other we’d never let one another drift away. We’re on the same raft for life. I hope you’re okay now. I hope you realize your worth, and are living as happily you pretended to be. I hope you remember everything I told you. Not only remember, but believe it. And more than anything, I hope you’ll never hurt yourself again.
If we’re not still in close contact, I want to believe you’re alive. I want to believe you learned from all those times I talked you out of ending your life. I want to believe you learned from the times you've cut, and used drugs to numb instead of talking to me. But most importantly, I want to believe you’re still my sad buddy, even if you’re not here anymore, and that I’m still yours. Because after all, the bond we had was the most powerful thing I’ve ever felt. And I know for you, it was the same. Sad buddies is not something to be forgotten.
Always and forever, forever and always, Your sad buddy. <3