It’s been a month since I last cuddled you Kissed you Held your hand Called you babe, sweetheart, ***
It’s been three months since I laughed Felt loved Was told I looked beautiful How much you appreciate me Or made love to you like we use to
It’s been awhile since I called you my friend Support System Partner in Crime Soulmate True Love
Its been a year since I last felt those butterflies that night you kissed me in the courtyard Its been a year since I saw love in your eyes like the first day Its been a year since I felt like we were for each other and only for each other
Its been awhile since I felt what love is suppose to feel like Its been awhile since someone has told me they loved me and meant it Its been awhile since I cuddled with you and felt protected in your arms Its been awhile since I knew how you felt about me without lies and fake smiles Its been awhile
So now that I realized I did not want the kind of love that is shown with violence The words that cut like daggers, the names that do not reflect my character Or the emotional put down that I got from you I know it will be awhile
So when people ask me why I don’t love It’s simple… he took the love that I once gave and gave me a reason not to let it show again When people ask me why am I protected ...because I was shown that even the ones you love can hurt you in ways you can’t imagine
It cuts like a knife when you want to open up to someone but he is there in their reflection Its been awhile my traumatic past can not cover up scars Every night I have those vivid dreams, they reopen like a scab that you pick when you are bored But for my situation I have no control over the vivid dreams, nightmares, or illusions of you. I just have to lay there and let it repeat like that night you did not care So when someone ask, I just say…. Its been awhile