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Oct 2012
Bury me in true green pastures,
Safely down below.
Serenade me in my deepest sleep,
For I lay where only sound can go.
Keep me after,
Where the silence lingers,
Shielding all our ears.
Clutch my flag between your fingers,
My last gift to you.
Stand above my white crossed grave,
To live another day,
Where you belong,
Where I have fought for you to stay.
Now turn and walk away.
Leave me with the men who quelled our country's fears.
For I did not die on fields of poppy,
Nor on foreign sandy beaches.
I could not fall beside my comrades at the hand of any King,
Nor fight amongst my brothers for equal things.
So leave me where I've earned my keep,
In fields of forest green.
Where more will come to sleep someday,
From war in lands unseen.
For I could not die in battle,
Instead I lived long after
Met many people
And filled their lives with laughter.
Written by
Maureen Richardson
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