I wish I could put all my wrongs to right Then I might get a little wink at night But that would take twenty thousand lives I've only one to live and no desire to take more just existing for the people that believe in me Breathing for the little girl that see's and receives what's true in me Call me selfish Call me a shame I wouldn't take one single word your saying in vain I know what I've done and I know what can't be undone I'm not bad I'm not evil I'm an unstoppable force of the "people" And if I'm not im unique so not equal Not purposely but natural selection That I can look in a mirror and not see a human reflection I've longed to see I've longed to be Well just normality But only to temporally stay a part of me For I'll never feel whole or content or have an easy taken breath Always on edge never to rest Thinking of how to live this world best