I dashed my hope of giving voice to the words that could have so easily been said. Long after you’re gone, I find myself hunting heads between the rabble not surrending till I find one as nice as yours. Long after you’re gone, I sigh in a taxi around the night because once more I return home still without having cherished the stars with you. Long after you’re gone, I’m more mess,more tangle, more cluster than I used to. but I keep reminding my drained bones not to fall but to stand upright with maid, even if they thought you were my backbone. Long after you’re gone, every other afternoon for you I sing the songs that give voice to the words that could have so easily been said. Long after you’re gone, I reminisce and recapture your time on me which resembles the bees and the flowers in the spring, long before it passes into oblivion. Long after you’re gone, I recall the moment in which i reached your lips with my own aiming to descend into your world but you stepped back, and long after you’re gone, i haven’t gone under that kind of beauty again. Long after you’re gone, I scrawl poems on my bedroom walls which embellish ways and oddities in which I resort to to make you remember. But long after you’re gone, I know you are the poem i always needed.