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Oct 2012
this road we travel is full of twists, turns and bends
and we find ourselves among lovers, enemies and friends
at times we lose hope, we lose faith
and wonder if anything is worth the wait
and the tears fall, there are plenty
that leave us feeling lost and empty
so when you think it's hard to hold on
just take a deep breath and try to be strong
because this life was a gift to you
and it's your duty to see it through
the skies may crumble, the earth may crack
but you can't get a single moment back
so live it up, all in the now
know that you will make it somehow
there will be joy, there will be pain
there will be sun shining through the heaviest rain
it is hope, it is faith
and everything is worth the wait
Ashley Brooke Payne
Written by
Ashley Brooke Payne  Dawsonville, GA
(Dawsonville, GA)   
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