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Oct 2012
she had to be everything to everyone
time to loosen up, have a little fun
up too late, hitting the bottle hard
never should've got in that car
music loud, windows down
just trying to get out of this town
and be someone else, not the girl they all know
the one that's meant to shine, born to glow
and this has been happening for quite some time
how she drinks so often, to ease her mind
and she cries, tears clouding up her vision
not thinking about the outcome of her decision
when she's doing 80 and the night is too dark
she can't hear anything save the breaking of her heart
suddenly lights up ahead
numbness, is she dead?
broken glass, windshield shattered
metal and blood, everything scattered
this can't be real
this sorrow that she feels
when she sees the hand fall away
that will never see another day
this is what it's like to feel alone
when realizes it isn't her own
as she lays there, slowly dying
drifting in and out she hears a baby crying
and uses her last breath to mutter a prayer
that someone will come soon and find him there
she hopes it isn't too late
and that he will be alive & safe
Ashley Brooke Payne
Written by
Ashley Brooke Payne  Dawsonville, GA
(Dawsonville, GA)   
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