Imitation is the hand-job of creativity. So where for art thou romantic silopsisms? Meta-physical lotion, rubbing Prufrock's bald head. Where are the errors, syntactical?
Intimation is the ******* of canon, The body, electric, *******, on Mt. Abora's Cliff face. Short syllabic thrusts put the pallet in trouble. Sharp edged thoughts caught in the throat of the speaker, leaving them mush-mouthed, Sentimental.
The poor rhyme scheme, literary analysis 101 feet, and meter abandoned for fun, Or played with weakly piling on what will Fit neatly enough in the bottom swill.
Unrequited love notes, star-crossed cries, Knotty tangled sentences to explain the deep ties, Out of focus snapshots of pixilated lives Even this bad poem, escaped the editor's knife.