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Mar 2018
i. my heart is a ghost town

I called out to every passerby
in this dead and desolate town;
if they could hear me
but to no avail.

Not a single could hear me
as they move on with their merry lives.

Those with broken souls
seemed to have mend themselves
with the company of others.

No longer do they need I.
I, who whispered nothing
but nothingness to them.
I, who could do nothing
to mend their wounded souls.
I, who is helpless,
in the face of helplessness.

As with my fleeting existence,
I could no longer match their pace.
It was like standing together
on the same pedestal
but on divided worlds.

We could no longer hear
each others' voices.

Upon this oppressively somber town,
I cast my shadow;
shunning away from the laughter,
away from the words
I could no longer comprehend.

My only friend; the silence
There is no answer. This was it. My heart could no longer be filled by the presence of others. Their warmth is ever fleeting; they cannot stay; I won’t allow them.
Written by
shhh  Port Swettenham
(Port Swettenham)   
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