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Mar 2018
Put your arm over me so that I can feel at ease,
Put your arm over me so that I can escape my mistakes.
Under this duvet the crows, the cats, and the bats cannot touch me.
Put your arm over me so that the only dream I dream is that of the sea:
Swimming, swimming, swimming.
Drifting within a Dead Sea.

Put your arm over me and I’ll close my eyes
And imagine I’m surrounded by dozens of women and
The salty sweat that is so hard to forget.
The ***. The *** I’ll never forget.

Put your arm around me,
So that the waves of my memory crash against the rocks of my reality.
It’s just a dream, it’s no longer real.
This is a blanket of darkness and no one is laughing.
Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream.
Put your arm over me. Maybe I’ll just close my eyes.

Put your arm over me, but I’m awake now and the sun pierces through the blind and shines brightly.
The shadows make their shapes and wake for a new day.
I am awake now.
Where is your arm?
Where are you? Why won’t you put your arm over me?
Were you ever even next to me?
Written by
Tom Pelling
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