When you go through something, and I mean something, there are people who are there for you. People who would do anything for you.
A few months pass and you feel better and I mean it, you do feel better. But for some godforesakenfuckedup reason No one will let it go after you already have.
People are scared of your sensitivities that no longer exist, And I mean it's like you no longer exist as the same person you were before going through something.
You are never entirely new and I want you to remember that. And I mean that you are still you, just changed.
You can't go back but you just have to trudge forward. And I mean trudge, I mean crawl, I mean drag yourself forward. You sound crazy to everyone, you will be called crazy You will stay true to yourself.
Only you can decide if you are crazy. And I mean everyone is scared of me, but I am not.