You see Its all about balance It is why there’s a God And there’s a devil Something to love And something to rebel The moon and the sun The summers and the falls You against the world, right ??
Because while you weren’t feeling pain you were grinning to skylines While I wasn’t alone, I was hopelessly in love I sang her name in the mountains And cursed her in the valleys Because while I wasn’t here I was surfing other universes Conversing with deities Discussing human pain The impossibility of world peace Debunking the weave between creatives and depression Drinking cocktail to mundane philosophies And cringing at its inadequacies
Its the fibers that wrestled into pattern A pigment too much Hair left in the oven to burn See I woke up this morning Reminding myself why I’m nothing less than perfect A standard for shallow magazines to dissect My timeless symmetrical face My poetic jaws My lustful eyes My perfectly aligned shoulders My seductive accent and my big ****
See I wrote you into a book In this book, I made sure I got your chubby cheeks chiseled For eccentricity, I gave you light freckles I toned up your skin because you were always so insecure about being black I, I made your legs bowl, making every path you walk on a runway I made your accent more American, you never did speak much, I wonder I made you a hero, a character kids could look up to Even if all you ever did, was save yourself.. I made you, you
But my x-factor or stand out behavior or artistic finesse was rather cliche You tore down every shred of confidence before bed A war fought with tears and muscle clenches You called yourself ugly, worthless, idiot , you said you weren’t enough, undeserving of the good life has offer, you dance to the madman’s song, you danced until the sun came up And then, what seem to be the residue of a fighting man or woman You made a menagerie, a collage with the shreds And you walked out, you walked like you made yourself