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Mar 2018
I wonder if my old friends still think about me
I wonder if my old friends still talk
Like I talk about them
Because my old friends are still hanging out
Which makes me wish that I was there
Or present in some way
Even though my old friends were not good friends
Because good friends often stay
And when my depression showed up
All my old friends went away
And I was left with no friends
Old friends or good friends
That fateful day
Because I thought that they were good
But I was so sadly mistaken
They can cry with each other over getting older or fake death
But when real problems come they're not staying
And we were civil and nice one night before college
So much fun I didn't know what was about
But the same **** kept happening
No more invites for when they're all hanging out
Mitchell Mulkey
Written by
Mitchell Mulkey  America
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