Ink stains on a torn page The notebook still recounts Pen pressed Against her white flesh. Rash cuts to ****** words And commas instead of fullstops.
Eloquent cursive caress The notebook has it all etched Against her very next page She cherishes the undying imprints Of the paper she fostered In walls of her blue cardboard.
A rip,it was all gone Ink stains on a page torn, To take flight like an airplane Drown a Titanic near the sea shore Make love to a poet's pen Or end up in the next garbage can.
Love is still imprisoned In the remnant edges Of a page torn Out of a blue notebook I own Flip to the next page Experience a life lived In those very ink stains.
The notebook grows old To a cracked spine Thankless fading lines Blue paint chips off it With margins overwritten On 49 pages An ode to 26 letters The 50th, Embodies a runaway vagabond.