when did MY education become more important than supporting those who died. from those who took a bullet. and lost their lives to save others.
when did MY education become more important than doing something about gun violence. from anyone who died for those who lived.
when did MY education become more important than the real issues that cause this whirlwind of a country to fall apart at its own feet.
when did MY education start to become more important than checking more carefully for those who hold barrels against someone's head and pull the ******* trigger.
MY education is not about if i know how to solve ***** formula's but knowing the difference between logic and knowledge between right and wrong between peace and war.
so instead of understanding the complete differences between peace and war this country uses war to claim it's for peace. this country confuses two polar opposites to somehow be useful for the other. this country confuses right and wrong with whatever kind of leader it has.
violence is sorely mistaken as a solution for peace.
there is no logic. there is no knowledge. there is only lack of education to the violence we create as a nation.
Late night rants are the best, huh? But if this offends anyone, don't read it. Don't waste your time.