Is there a life within this life? Every day, after my day job all that's left of me is a body demanding rest just to get enough energy for the same routine in the following day.
I don't get out, and I am limited in spending the rest of my time in nothingness.
I have blamed everything enough that I couldn't see the point of blaming anymore.
I have ran out of resources inside the corners of my brain to explain myself or at least lay down the right words for effective deliverance.
I have tried so ******* people, I have tried so hard for myself and I don't believe that anything could possibly change anytime soon.
It's hard to be me and no one's noticing it except me in my own perspective.
I used to believe in friendship, young age, positive thinking but it seems that the world around me is showing quite the opposite.
What could be done? Is there something out there that could help me turn things around, anything other than the acceptance of the thought that there is a God who is omni present and knows what I am specifically going through and that with all of hisβ he'll save me?
I am in a part where I am the only one left to talk to about this, and for so many years I have been with myself, alone with myself, I lost the capability of remaining above of where I am below of right now.
I am not completely numb, not yet I suppose because I can still feel things such as stress, restlessness, anxiety and anything that has nothing to do with a healthy state of mind.
Also, I keep having these surreal subconcious thoughts about running towards speeding cars and jumping on high places which a normal person would never think of but it's not really alarming, for the average person like me who's battering the body against the ham must also have their subconciousness begging for this timely horrendous routine to stop but I guess unemployment would just cause us withdrawal.
Get it?
(I guess I don't know how to distinguish the sound of a normal person from an average person)