The truth we should tell? If it's hard and hurts then you don't want to hear it, huh? Yeah I know but still. I respond to one part only, Just as I can multitask doesn't mean I will. The truth is nothing's ever good enough, Anything we could do, There's always faults wherever you are but what's it like to ignore them? Sometimes I think I ignore plenty, Even though there is still many, You can never run away from anything And facing them doesn't always work out. In fact I don't think we realise What facing up to things are either -I don't- If you're scared of something, Then you gave it the chance didn't you? So haven't we faced up to it? I have no clue it's like we can only praise ourselves for this if we succeeded, If we made it past it, But when I past obstacles I act like it meant nothing, So that I can disconnect from it because I don't want anymore of it again so I say it's gone now.