Hi I smile I like it Do you want to...touch I want to touch, I smile when I touch Sshhhhhhhhhh Let me close my eyes, let me leave for a minute I'm looking for that zap, I used to feel That silent pleasure, that other kids didn't know about Because back then it was easy and fantastic To reach inside someone else and breathe To feel the flashes of the animal within and not look back, but I did To ******* sweat and your knowledge and the city To crash my tongue to the point of your delirium and not stop To offer something I didn't know I could sell, and realize it still had the tag To grasp and be grasped, to the limit and the rhythm of love and watch each others eyes, brows, mouth, face To sigh the wind flushed out by our dancing bodies, moan and breathe and grunt and slur and breathe To **** and **** and **** and **** and ****, and cry and **** ourselves as if there was something to be reached but never obtained To beg for, with closed lips, a bite so right that will send me into a frenzy of weak knees, cold sweat, and wildly curling toes To feel the whisper so close and so deep and so you, but never enough To get ****** and desire it, as if it was that something I hadn't had in decades, cuz it felt so ******* good To be wrapped in warm darkness and feel safe because I am alone Hi You smile I like it, I have liked it It's these complications I managed to maneuver And accept the reality of my beauty That will only take us away!