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Sep 2012
The rise and fall of my life
The reason for my being
I haven't run because you are here
The only one who tames me and claims me
I'm yours

The sweetest man a girl could want
I am in no way attracted to
An eternal friend
Without even a possibility of more
Somehow personally sad

Young and dark in air
Romance blooms internally
A shell of sarcasm, dark humor and wit
Covers the warm, sweet tenderness underneath

How does one speak to the animal?
Looks, pets, scents
The will to be free he calls to me
But in truth we know it never will be

The purity innocence and kindness
I hope it lasts
How one can come out of something broken
Even more pure and whole than those who have known no wrong
Continues to amaze me
Kept safe or killed is your fate

So sweet and innocent
Some would never say
They do not see what I see even in your "lust"
Play is truly your way

A gentlemen true
We are not always lost without you
It is sad to say
We would not want you to change
But we cannot always protect you from you

One who steals my words
Writers Block its true
The embodiment of confused lust and rationalized morals
Love broken with distance
Yet we continue to love you

The Laughing one
Always quick with wit and jest
Me you always impress
If only emotion flowed as freely from you
As I know it does from me

Light and pure as gold
Soft and new as fresh silk
A look so tempting
Words cannot express
The breath seemingly wrenched from my chest

A smile reaches the eyes of us
Both upon the sense of each other
All hope will return
Darkness to Grey
Whenever we meet
My brother
Kirsten Collins
Written by
Kirsten Collins  California
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