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Mar 2018
What on earth! That scourges the heart?
What’s in you to make me lame completely?
This you’ve bring slices me fully!
Which I’ve got that swollen my eyes ‘till ******!

My eyes can’t see the beauty of this world
Though heart can’t feel the happiness!
Ears are deaf to hear the laughter
Even my nose can’t smell any sweetness.

Here I am, hoping to scratch out the pain from last night’s tears!
Tears, where I hope cleansed the mess,
Where I wish could leached out my regrets
But I’m no right! The pain still grows.

I never have an ordinary day since ever which I know not.
The days I have are folly and pale.
“For everything you love, you have to pay the price”
But you can’t let the world to see you cry(

I never have a moment of peace
Never felt the sunlight when I had to set you free
Every time my life turned a page hoping to left this pain from the latter
But still the mark of my pen reaches the bottom
So every day is painful.

Take care my love wherever you go
May a couple of year of your absence makes me fine
Today you’re goin’ far
And I have nothing to hold with
You may come back but not fully
You may love again but not with me(

I miss you so much!
Fe Francisco Bascuniana
Written by
Fe Francisco Bascuniana  21/F/Philippines
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