Why do people act like we don't need each other? When the fact is We need each other! Men don't wanna need a woman Women don't wanna need a man Who are you fooling? How do you plan on reproducing? Do you plan on reproducing? What are you here for?
Every day of your life depends on the billions of people that go to work every, single, day If no one shows up to do their job You don't eat! You don't have any luxuries! We enrich each others lives in every way possible but we don't thank each other enough We hardly even acknowledge passersby We don't appreciate what we do for one another We don't acknowledge all the love around us! We don't wanna see... I could blame a hate, money, and power driven government but it's not their fault We are smart! We are powerful! We know better! We are better! The government is not to blame for what goes wrong in the world I am and so are you It's our fault! We let this happen! We watch guns tear down the life of so many humans and do nothing We let children be stripped from their homes to be sold as slaves *** slaves! We let our earth become a wasteland!! We did this! Not the government! The government is not that powerful We are! We decide what happens next.