Fast acting, long lasting Its smashing! Girl with no more options. Animal tests, Lumps on the *******. No not on the ads, We’re selling ***. Two for the money. A truck and a honey. What are we buying? We’re buying ***. A girl home for the day Finds a soft spot to lay, Take off her shirt But leaves on her jeans. However, Its more than erections, The scheming perfection Of using each other To bolster our greed. In more than one boardroom There are people debating Do we want groom and groom Or the bride to be black? The intern will chime in That “going green” is “in” And we’ll all ******* buy them 2% recycled handy wipes. Because our eyes are vacuums They will always have room To take in more ******* That falls in our lines. We watch their commercials And yes, they’re tear jerkers. A one legged child Raised by two Asian guys. SO WE BUY THE DISH SOAP! THEYV’E SOLD US! We did it! We filled up our carts, In the store and online. We swallowed it all up, Leaving plastic behind. WE DID IT! We all worked as a team To fuel the Capitalist Dream. A fabricated human connection Forged between man and corporation. We’ve done it folks. The American Dream. People against people All working as a team.