I am a ****** reject of consequence with few realities that surround him, save the favored crusty nightmares who seek me out at day-break’s shine
I am a glossed over heroine of limitless speech and pacing degradation The sneaky child with two teeth and no dollar, touched by flashes of those long gone and haze driven memories and recollections for the weaker than he
I watched soaring cities of angelic barbarians topple over the realms of the gray ladies’ wake straight into the hands of a gun dipped in the racist thoughts of my people
He wasn’t here for the feast celebrating many ages of consummate fire, plaguing the tribes of the sojourn streets dwellers as I looked forth to the understated clouds of heaving purple, screaming in pink To the arch of my favorite tree broke by city commissioners and cancerous politicians To wave in spirit for the lazy eyed ****** gazing in the passing car window For he champions the youth in unseen proportions as gently placed the shackles are fit around his waist That sovereign hero who twists hell to his own reality, to exist in two with all fleeting love, still staring past the trees on 9th in await, a hatchling in a sparrows nest, drifting with heavy, heavy legs, hanging tight, Alluring dark-light lips of concrete on sidewalk’s majesty, who fall all around the throats of our helpless behaviors They take from him and us