Frustrated beyond words. The dysfunction is far reaching, And I cannot influence change. Complacency has rooted deep in the system, Ignore the problem 'til it rears its ugly face, Cure the symptom to no end - the heart is rotting and will stop beating, Those who see this don't endure, They warn, advocate for change - retrospect: futile efforts wasted. There truly is no hope, The strategy will never align with the mission - with the vision never to be achieved. Wasting resources to gain resources will never balance - the wounds are deep for those who bled and died for the cause. Failure is eminent - why does it take so long to admit failure? It's no small matter, lives are at stake - but the dollar means more than the grief-stricken lives damaged and violated.
#dysfunctional management #can't take it anymore #millennial #motivation #I'm the change