all the days are a foggy haze that go on and on til they meld together into one big mess that messes with the mind’s motion and the pre-conceived notion that everything should make perfect sense. one slip of the tongue could start the wheel spinning out of control and off a cliff into the a ditch next to nothing but empty space. and no matter what is said whether right or wrong a person cannot change another person or make them understand what their heart has been screaming for so long. of course there are other paths if you are willing to take them and risk that sometimes the grass isn’t greener and risk the realization that it was never green in the first place and that people just drift through time and space with little purpose behind them. but there is this pull in your gut and this ache in your chest that keeps you searching and keeps you returning to the never-ending quest for self assurance through the validation of others. yet there is a small comfort in this confusion and that is knowing for certain that you most certainly know nothing.