Bodies stream scream and swell Surging down the river Hearts twist tumble and break Pushing with the tide
Bodies left on the shore Discarded No one stops or bothers to pick them up They lie there as the shallow waves wash over them cruelly making them taste the life Then tearing it away
Still the sweating multicolored splash of empty thinkers break the bodies as they erode to nothing but a self hating pile of dust and are blown away by the fickle tortured wind
A withering finger reaches out pleading to be once again enveloped in the elite waterfall crashing monotonously downward And those sickening aliens, they play with that fragile ,decaying hand They begin to lift it pulling it back into the crowd And then they drop it Back onto the sands of suicide Where it sinks longingly with shame into the black hole of suffocating quicksand And is never seen again
alien river is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.