We live short lives bounded by walls in houses, by grounds under our feet, by money in our dreams, by glasses in our sights, by fear in our endeavors, by shame in our performances, by blame in our relationships, by attachment to objects.
We are not able to conceive infinity, it remains just a concept, unimagined in our minds. Infinity is the only absolute greatness; all other greatnesses rely on where we stand.
Yet, we aim at grandnesses, we aim to impact, to know and to be known, to influence, to be liked, to be loved. We aim our little stories to be written over and over again as if every repetition would keep us alive but we forget: our imagination is shaped by limits.
We will die, our stories will perish, our stone laws will turn into dust, our countries will fold. The sun will swallow earth, and turn into a blackhole. Everything shall collapse at some point.