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Sep 2012
Feeling like I'm out of control
Like a truck racing down
A slippery course
With its brakes lost
And theres no hope in stopping
Who's going to stop me now?

Who will stop me now?

I feel like a bullet
Shot from a gun
Piercings everyones hearts
Upset with what I've done
And how I've done wrong
How will I erase this now?


I feel like, Im running on empty
Like my gas light is blinking
I feel like I am going crazy
Because I'm stuck always walking back
But I know it's only temporary
I'm just really trying to adapt.


I'm tumbling out of control
Like a gymnast bending into a fold
Sky diving into the floor
My parachute won't open
At least for me anymore.

No more.

I've used people
To get what I want
But now I'm lonely at the top
And yelled at
The people I love
Because money was my happiness
But money isn't love.

Money isn't love.
Juliette Elisa
Written by
Juliette Elisa  Ventura County, Ca
(Ventura County, Ca)   
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