When I was just a little lad I never knew my mom and dad My big brother was my hero.
He raised Pidgins as a hobby.
One day he upped and promised me a pidgin of my own. Oh goody.
One day a storm blew into town and blew his pidgin coop aground.
The sole survivor of the storm was one pathetic squab.
Here little brother says my sib.He's yours. so I fed him,and built a nest for him, and hugged him, and pet him, and loved him.
He was me and I was he my little buddy Pete. and every day I wouldn't stop to play but run home to my Pete. Oh my brother George is my hero.
One day I ran home to my Pete and found no sign of him. I asked George where my Pete boy was. He said he had no clue. I found out later That sum-***** sold Pete. That rat ******* sold my pidgin.