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Mar 2018
Entrancing, It begins with a glimmer,
Lightning, Striking, through her icy blue eyes,
Breathing in the mystique of her figure
Winks, whispers, and curves on me mesmerize

Her gaze a challenge, her smirk invites dare
Tangled in tango, flirtatious and fun,
My heart cannot stop envisage her bare
Adventure physique, discover someone

****, we’d wrestle, declare our rules of love
Ever-hungry beasts, feast skins with bite marks
Strapped, captured, released, embraced pulls, hard shove
One cataclysmic explosion of sparks

Ideas fill my mind, with your spell-binding stare
But fantasy is lost when those eyes drift elsewhere
Chris Fernandez
Written by
Chris Fernandez  25/Edmonton, AB
(25/Edmonton, AB)   
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