The freedom from inorganic paralysis, The birth of information, The cliché of the ephemeral, The never ending search for complexity.
Is it just a temporary prison in our weak bodies, in our insecurities, and our worries, Or is it an unique cosmic opportunity that we should exhaust every fraction of a second into something productive, enjoyable and selfish? How much would we sacrifice To never need to deal with death?
Does it have a worth in itself (therefore question it would be stupid) or does it have worth for the things we can do with it? Has the organic life any contribution except for life itself (in a broad perspective)?
What makes life so great that makes it, though, small? We try so hard to define it and, yet, it is the most incomprehensible concept. Tirelessly fighting against universal laws of equilibrium and disorder and chaos and constancy (will purpose subdue chances?)
Maybe, the greatest value of life is uncertainty. Uncertainty of what is expecting us, of what will we gain or lose, of what will we experience, of what is there to happen and to surprise. But, most of all, the uncertainty of what is not life. Death is a part of life, and not its opposite. The opposite of life is the certainty of the inanimate world.