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Feb 2018
If I could paint you...
If I could paint you,
The strokes would be slow, deliberate, and tempting.
The image would have to be vivid, your beautiful soul must be seen.
I would pour my laughter in you and shed light on your secret deeds,
I would let the sun stay still for it has to shine your love to the world.
I would paint the miserable fights we swore not to have,
And **** all the promises we failed to keep.
I would paint the arguments and misunderstandings too so you could see the clear picture of our portrait.
Then again, I would put happiness all around you...
Put a flower in your hair, draw a permanent smile on your face
So I would never have to see you sad, upset or even frown again
I wonder if the painting could really reveal the complexity of your kindness.
If it could reveal you as the soul wiithin a goddess,
A very precious earth's emerald.
Perhaps then the world would weep just to be in our presence.
Just the sight of the image of our image,
Would strike the universe to bow,
But with this paper as my pad and these words as my brush,
I have nothing in mind,
But the desire to lock you in time.
Jr Estinova
Written by
Jr Estinova  M
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