I made my stand, Against my soul, Who was looking down at the sea, From head to toes, it believes it's unworthy, A body of shame and mismatch.
I made my stand, Against my soul, Who looked up at me with a somber smile, I knew it's plans to leap off the ledge, But I hold it's hand and carry it back into the forest.
I made my stand, Against my soul, Who seemed to ponder why I was doing this, I had to see if it could be who it needed itself to be, Who's body was no who it needed to be.
I made my stand, Against my soul, Who saw what I was doing and cried of joy, My hands once black, turned to green. Who I needed to be was in front of me.
I made my stand, Against my soul, Who smiled and held my hand, As we walked above the sea to the island.