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Sep 2012
One day you'll look at yourself and sigh.
Asking yourself how you became this lonely guy.
How your dreams were so close that you could taste it
But now they're far behind its unlikely you'll chase it.

Where did you become side tracked
Of when you changed your goal.
Got distracted for a minute
You're at a dead end road.
When will you pick it up
And are you strong enough
Give up on your dream that
You thought wasn't tough.

She looked at her self and
Said why oh why
As she breast fed her kid
Who always cried and cried.

How she thought it was cool to
Run around town
Getting picked up by boys
Claiming she's seen them around.

But she never did
as she lied to herself
Each boy she thought was right
But she was only 12.

What does she know of love
Was nothing but lust.
Empty promises and lies
She never kept her head up.

Now her dreams of going to college
Is shattered by a boy
Who told he'd love her
But he only treated her like a toy.

Dreams are like butterflies
That dance in the air
Floating around
To get you to see them
But to also beware.

You got to take care of them
And stay on your course
Don't worry what you should have done
Just think about the force
The force to push your forward
Just go willingly
You'll regret it tomorrow
If you go sparingly.
Juliette Elisa
Written by
Juliette Elisa  Ventura County, Ca
(Ventura County, Ca)   
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