I run Away from good fortune and into the fray Fortuna favet fortibus Or so someone once said
I run from the city skies poisoned by the blinding lights of frivolity Desperate for blackouts Rolling and unpredictable I hope they last months So I can fill a mason jar with fire flys
I run from the pretty faces Claiming exasperatedly that mine is just Unconventional And that pretty faces are often If not always Attached to liars
I run from the honesty The unyielding truth that I have ceased to be me And have been replaced by an imposter Who laughs when I look in the mirror
I run until my lungs gasp For the air between two stars And until the blood flowing In the sinew of my thigh Begins to burn and clot
I run Until my legs fall off
Just to crawl across the finish And pretend that I am a martyr For a purpose that kept me running And I forget now