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Sep 2012
I'm sat here, alone.
with a full bottle of ***** and nothing to do, no one to see.
A raging ******* torrent of emotion that i can't ******* talk to anyone about.
Sure there's people out there, there's people i could go and meet and talk to,
None of them mean a ******* thing when all you can you is walk away.

I invested so much of my soul into trying to make this work,
and **** it, so what if things felt different after we'd been apart for many months,
isn't that normal?
Why am i being punished for my lack of money, my set of circumstances.
You know i really wanted to come down and see you?
But no, the ******* poor kid has no money, he has to sit at home, look after the house and take a ******* beating to the soul.

But no, there's no second chances here. You'll move on pretty ******* quick, i already know that.
I'll be the one picking up the pieces, while you **** around and have your fun.
I'll be the one who's stuck, well at least you don't have an anchor anymore.

how sad is it? that the only means of communication i have with you, is hoping you'll read this?
you probably won't, you're a 2 minute walk and a million ******* miles away from me.
Well **** this, I ****** up, I lost,
and once again my patience and love has not been rewarded.
I will never be rewarded, maybe i do what other guys do,
like a shark in the swimming pool, using any tactic to **** someone and run.
That just isn't me though, i'm not even equipped with the malice to let anyone know how i feel.

I don't want to think anymore.
I don't want to feel love anymore.
I don't want to be punished for loving.
Right now, i don't want to be conscious.

Now where's that ******* *****...
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