You say I feel like native petals of somewhere you've never been. Soft and mysterious, exotic and raw. Bewitching you to absorb the aura. My web in which you spin.
I say you feel like steel surrounded by marsh in deep bayous. Strong and intriguing, arcane and fierce. Luring me to immerse in your essence. Your web in which I spin.
Backwards it seems we have tumbled into each other...
Bodies knowing new flesh. Minds welcoming familiar allies. Spirits embracing old friends.
Connecting erupts a verbal rampage. Words spilling on top of one another. Passing sentences half formed back and forth. Beginning of my thoughts turns into ends of your understanding.
The sun hasn't risen and slept in the time we have mesmerized each other. But yet you say you feel like you've known me your whole life. Like a shadow that's been around just never taking form... And I can't agree more.
So I say nothing...*
Just sit here and not think and adore, your passionate voice, your shy laugh, your tempered sighs, your fluid movement, your assailable face, your unimpeded body. I unknowingly mimic you and you me and we dance intuitively. Until we exhaust ourselves to sleep.