I look in your eyes You know they say they are the windows to your soul Wanna know what I see? I see hurt Pain Suffering Come my dear, Let me help you through your troubled times We can walk in the woods to clear your mind I'll take you to my favorite climbing tree Where we can build a tree house over your insecurities
I take your hand in mine Cold hands mean a warm heart My dear your heart must be warm It's too bad no one can see it They wouldn't care anyway The people in our school are monsters Laughing at us
I hug you to protect you From the animals in the woods You've delt with enough today my best friend Let's relax in the quiet for a change Away from the other girls at our school
I look at your eyes They don't look so sad I see happiness Laughter And hope But I know there is still fear But we will get through it Because your my best friend And nothing will hurt you ever again
Memories of joyous times flood through my head As we stare out into the ocean And we look at each other again We know we have been freed So we jump into the warm water And feel it on our skin But this time we don't sink in the insecurities But we swim up Stronger than ever