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Feb 2018
Somethings in life are just too good to be true and he was no exception. He was just another broken promise. He wasn’t the light at the end of the tunnel, he was the darkness. The reason the tunnel clasped on me bringing me to my knees, filling my lungs with debri making it impossible to breathe. He was an illusion, a mirage, a lie and false hope. He was the person I thought I loved, but he was just a boy. A boy who left me like I was nothing, leaving me feeling worthless, lost, empty and confused. Hopeless. Searching for answers. It's like I'm frozen and the world around me is moving and all I can do is watch. I have no control. I feel like no matter what I do, I lose. I try I give it my all and I'm the one left hurt and in tears. They all leave me and toss me to the curb like I'm trash. Like I'm disposable, expendable and replaceable. They break me. Destroy me and shatter me into pieces so small they fade into dust. I'm left alone, a damaged girl to pick up the pieces that fall through the gaps of my fingers and disappear into the cold, harsh wind. It's so easy to throw a smile on my face and pretend. Pretend I'm okay to make the people around me feel better, when I'm just a sad, lost girl who is hurting, not knowing where to go or who to turn to. Me saying I'm okay is just as useless and fake as his love was for me. They're just words, empty words with no truth or meaning to them. And now because of him my walls are castles. I'm the girl isolated and locked away, I'm screaming, but you won't be able to hear me. I'm hiding beyond bricks and walls that are so high they touch the clouds, I swallowed the keys. I don't know if I can be helped. He took an innocent part of me, a piece of my heart that I won't ever be able to get back. I know time heals all wounds, but time please hurry up, put me back together again, fix the hole in my heart, erase my mind and take away the pain. Show me a sign that my search for happiness isn't hopeless, that I deserved to be loved. I want to let go of all of this and move on, but I'm scared that this is going to haunt me forever. I feel like I'm waiting for something that will never happen. It really hurts when you realize that you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were. So sometimes all you can do is lie in bed and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart. Sometimes all you can do is smile, move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend you are okay. I loved him, but he lied, cheated and took advantage of me. Destroying my outlook on love, future relationships and the peace within me. I never believed people when they said how much it hurts to have your heart broken until it was me. Until it was me laying on my bedroom floor with mascara dripping down my cheeks, until it was me. It was me gasping for air and crying uncontrollable. That night he killed me, his toxins filled my lungs. He broke down my walls, but then he just broke me. Sometimes I wonder if it's me, if I'm too broken to be loved. I often wonder if I will ever find someone who would be willing to love a girl with an imperfect heart covered in patches and scars. Falling in love is so scary, it's like handing someone a gun, having them point it right at your heart and praying to God they never ever pull that trigger. I have learnt that people will leave you even if they have promised you a thousand times that they won't, and saying goodbye to him was like hearing every goodbye ever said to me all at once. But I gave him seven months and he doesn't get to have another second of my time. Now all I want and all I need is to be okay again. And just maybe it is okay to feel alone, lost and empty. For all things that are lonely it finds company, everything that is lost is meant to be found and empty things eventually get filled. I have lived through terrible times and they to have passed. I am a survivor and I have gone through hell to find heaven. And maybe, just maybe I needed to break to make myself whole again. Deep down I know I will find myself again somehow, someway. It is a lesson I don't quite understand yet, but everything happens for a reason and I just need to keep moving forward. He broke me but he doesn't get to define me
Written by
   Lior Gavra
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