As the day passes, the sky darkens, all sores will stay the same. Surrounded by the shroud of night, I'm forced to face the change. Before the battles, she was happy, now wars just take away. Take away the smile, no endorphins for this pain.
I used to save her from her demons, force them through my blade. But after wear and tear and wars, my swords don't slay the same. She used to change my life, she cared much more each every day. But now she turned her shoulder, she contort's my vision's aim.
tens of letters etched in pencil, sediment's forever settled, roses sent, with reddened pedals, redder than the ******* devil. more to me then sentimental, Sent the letters, then she read them. Ripped apart the hearts I sent, then, Sent it back with roses dead, and With her feather she had wrote: I'm done with you. Decision's settled.