Yearning for a heartbeat Begging for a breath Dreaming of a blinking eye Having Affairs With Funerals While I had weddings, and births waiting for me Back home. Having *** with the dark When sunlight waits for me to return to Make love with her. Kissing knives when I could be caressing rose petals. Walking with my mistress Barefoot in a cemetery Because my wife never ventures To that part of town Life, my love. Death, my mistress My life is my love But death intrigues me. Death needs me. Death desires me But my life She loves me She dreams of me, She vowed to always be here A promise She is incapable of keeping Death has caught up to me She whispers That she can take the pain away Take away my regrets Take away my stress She promises me a future of fun But I tell her βDeath, you should never promise me futureβ I leave death Until she calls my name For the last time I venture