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Sep 2012
The greatest woman I have known in my entire life,
With kind words,
Open arms,
And prayers,
For me,
She has balanced so much strife.

So strong and caring,
I cannot believe god could let her die,
But some times,
I think god just likes to see me cry.

I know she's old,
But timeless,
She is one of the few pillars of my life,
That still hold me up,
She keeps me in her thoughts,
In her heart and her prayers,
Keeps me on many levels from deaths fateful burn,
But still,
The world turns,
And I cant bear the thought,
Of her being naught,
Of her going to god,
And leaving her family,
Of her leaving me.

Most of my life,
She was the only one I could count on,
The ONLY person who has always been there,
The only one who ALWAYS cared,

I could call her after years of running around,
When I'm so low,
That I feel six feet under ground,
She doesn't need to know,
She just wants to say hello,
That she (and God) love me,
And to know that I'm still here,
And still being a decent guy,
That I'm raising my kids right,
And teaching them of God,
That I'm fighting the good Fight.

For her,
I don't need to do anything but be,
She is okay with me being me.

I know that Someday,
God will take her home,
But that is Someday,
Not now,
Now is not okay.
God cannot take her to where I cannot at least phone!
Too far away!

Too hard to live,
Knowing that she cannot be there for me,
That she goes to see my Grandpa and Dad,
That she dances into Eternity.

Too hard to bear,
A world without that little old lady,
With an amazing amount of Love,
And with Such CARE.

Dear Lord,
Let her hold on,
If only just for me.
So I can come visit,
To say  I love you,
And to show her that I did it right,
And show her my wonderful Family.

Matt Pentz
Written by
Matt Pentz  Everett, Wa
(Everett, Wa)   
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