She followed all his should have beens for a year All the way to their coffee shop in Brooklyn. He sat waiting, with the smell of Jack on his breathe And guilt in his eyes. He once sang all the coffee shop talks won’t change a thing Yet, there they are.
I sit in his beloved MacDougal street bar. Where all the bartenders know his name And know his kiss.
I could see them. The scene plays out in the foam of my beer. I drink it quickly to make them disappear.
Why is everything so different these days? I wonder what his eyes say today. We’ve become two passing ships in the night. A brief cold conversation in the moons final light.\ No more kisses No more love making No more I love you’s
Late one night he said I’ll show up if you show up.
Here I am. I guess he never said for how long.
I don’t want to be her. Left with Why.
As he falls farther and farther away from me I am left with nothing, Just a pile of his laundry; That I lay in just to smell him. Tears take the opportunity to play While I realize this is the closest I will be to him For the rest of my days,
I cannot remember the moment I became so uncool.
I guess maybe I always knew.
I always believed in him I believed in us.
Please don’t go Please don’t leave me Please don’t go At least, say good-bye. Please at least take the time to say good-bye